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  • Combat Tiers are designed to easily engage your gaming experience. The transparent material will not obscure the gaming environment.


  • Multi-tier possibilities allow you to create various heights, while the large staging platforms allow players to place multiple figures in simulated flight or combat, keeping everything sturdy and precise.


  • Combat Tiers are gauged in one-inch increments both on the prominent staging platforms and on the supporting posts, so ranges can be easily determined at a glance.


  • With included extension posts, your figures can soar to even higher heights. No longer are ranges reduced to estimations—know exactly how the battle unfolds!


  • The Combat Tiers Base Set includes: two 5"×5" (25'x25') base platforms, two 4"×4" (16'x16') middle platforms with integral 2" (10') post, two 4"×4" (16'x16') top platforms with integral 2" (10') post, two 2" (10') extension posts, and two 4" (20') extension posts.


  • This game aid gives you the ability to show elevations ranging from 10' (using 1 base platform and 1 top platform) to 90' (using 1 base platform, 2 middle platforms, 1 top platform, and all 4 extension posts).

Combat Tier

SKU: 9781601259486
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