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Strixhaven Year 2: Junior Jumble (Tuesday Evenings)

Tue, 02 Jan


TableMinis Studio

Strixhaven Year 2: Junior Jumble. At long last, it is finally here. Pack up your books, bags, and magic stuff. School is about to begin! $30 Per Session.

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Strixhaven Year 2: Junior Jumble (Tuesday Evenings)
Strixhaven Year 2: Junior Jumble (Tuesday Evenings)

Time & Location

02 Jan 2024, 7:30 pm – 20 Feb 2024, 10:30 pm

TableMinis Studio, 10 Arumugam Rd, #08-02 A, Singapore 409957

About the Event

This is a Hard Cover Published Adventure by D&D (Wizards of the Coast)

This is a Magic The Gathering Settings.


Game style: Roleplay, Magic and Homework.

Combat: Moderate

Roleplaying: Very High

Types of Players Needed: Role-Players who are into school Shenanigans

Starting Character Level: 4

Races: All are welcome

Requirements: Your character must have finished Year 1 before playing this adventure.


This adventure campaign is a unique take on everyday life as a student of an arcane university. The amazing quality of role-playing in Strixhaven will bring you back to a time when life was much simpler. When Friendships meant the world and all dreams seemed possible.

But all set in a Magical Academy with, classrooms, subjects to explore, extracurricular activities and maybe even a bit of romance. There will be plenty of shenanigans, danger and mishaps!

Each Part of this Adventure represents a year of school.

Strixhaven: Year 2 a thrilling journey into a world of academic rivalry, friendship, and the pursuit of greatness!

Get ready for a year filled with even more spellbinding school drama at Strixhaven! Join in the magical intrigue, navigate complex relationships, and uncover the hidden depths of world of Arcavios.


Character Requirements

Level Cap: Level 4 Characters only

Character Parameters: PHB, XGtE, TCoE, VGtM & Strixhaven

Stats Generator: Point Buy

Races Allowed: All Races Allow

This is for characters who have finished Year 1.

Includes D&D Beyond Resource Access (Upon Request)


Part 2 of this Campaign

No of Sessions: 6 (For part 1)

Game Length: 3hrs.

Gameplay Days: Tuesdays

Dates:  (2nd, 9th & 30th January) (6th, 13th & 20th February)

Time: 7.30PM - 10:30PM

Location: TableMinis Studio

Slots Available: 5 Players Needed

Price Per Session: ($30 x 6 Sessions)

Total Price: $180


Please inquire if you have more questions!

We are very happy to answer all of them!

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