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Experience: Kids on Bikes! (Register Your Interest!)

Tuesday Evenings - 7:30PM to 10:30PM


TableMinis Studio

If you love Stranger Things, have a fascination for the supernatural, and love Ghost Busters. This is right up your bicycle. Kid’s on Bikes is an amazing ride, kinda like Scooby-Doo! Easy to learn, and play. No TTRPG Experience is required. $130 for 4 Sessions.

Experience: Kids on Bikes! (Register Your Interest!)
Experience: Kids on Bikes! (Register Your Interest!)

Time & Location

Tuesday Evenings - 7:30PM to 10:30PM

TableMinis Studio, 10 Arumugam Rd, #08-02 A, Singapore 409957

About the Event

Adventure Guided by DM Mellow


Investigation & SupernaturalAdventure Type:

Role-playing, StorytellingGame Style:

Easy & Rules light.System Difficulty:


There’s a monster in the woods, black helicopters are lurking on the horizon and the weird kid in history class can move things with her mind. If the movies have taught us anything, it’s that the only people with a chance of getting to the bottom of these mysteries are a plucky band of kids, outcast teenagers and misunderstood adults.

Any of these is possible, it all depends on you and 4 other players sculpting the narrative, weiving the plot and playing through it all!


Game Details

Dates: TBC

Days: Every Tuesday 

Time: 7:30PM to 10:30PM 

Sessions: 4 + 1 session for Character Creation and Learn-to-Play. 

Price: for all Sessions.$130


Please let us know if you have any further questions? 

We are more than happy to help!

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